Early stage strategic investments with a focus on fintech, payments and blockchain technology

Trading desk for various financial instruments

Affiliate marketing and traffic leads for different industries and geographics

Front end, back end, SEO, regulatory requirements, scalability and more

EuroMed Venture Capital investments 2023 recap

2023 has proven to be a bumper year for world economies. Inflation, international security and instability have plagued the year. The flipside to turmoil is the creation of pockets of opportunities. In 2023 EuroMed went into overdrive with its Venture Capital department and doubled down its proprietary investments in fintech companies and affiliation. The department…
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US Debt Hits A Record $34.001 Trillion

The US Treasury has a morbid habit of revealing big, round numbers of debt around major calendar milestones, and the new 2024 year was no different because according to the latest Treasury Daily Statement published after the close today and reflecting the US Treasury’s financial statements as of Dec 29, 2023, total US debt as…
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Swiss National Bank Urged To Exit Investments In Fracking

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) was urged to divest from oil and gas fracking companies on Monday, when climate activists handed over a petition signed by 60,000 people demanding the Swiss central bank exit its fracking investments.     Last month, a study by SNB Coalition and Climate Alliance Switzerland showed that the Swiss bank had investments worth a total of $16.1…
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