Posts Tagged ‘germany’
Germany And The EU Are Hopelessly Behind On EVs & Artificial Intelligence
The EU is hopelessly behind the US and China on technology that will lead the future. It will stay that way… Sleepwalking Into Oblivion Eurointelligence has an interesting article on how Germany is Sleepwalking Into Oblivion. Current policy debates are rightly focused on the consequences of global bifurcation. But perhaps an even bigger danger for the EU is…
Read MoreThe “Price Shock” is Just Starting: German Industry To Pay 40% More For Energy Than Pre-Crisis
Back in August 2022, repo plumbing guru Zoltan Pozsar published a fascinating chart showing how “$2 Trillion Of German Value Depends On $20 Billion Of Russian Gas” or specifically, how Germany had applied some 100x leverage – much more than Lehman – on cheap commodities, and mostly Russian gas, to cheaply run its export-driven economic miracle for decades.…
Read MoreNorway Replaces Russia As Germany’s Top Gas Supplier
Norway became Germany’s single-largest natural gas supplier in 2022, overtaking Russia, as total German gas imports dropped by 12.3% compared to 2021, the German Federal Network Agency, Bundesnetzagentur, said on Friday. Norway provided 33% of the gas Germany imported last year, followed by Russia, whose share fell to 22% for last year, compared to a 52% share in…
Read More‘The Enron of Germany’: Wirecard scandal casts a shadow on corporate governance
KEY POINTS The Wirecard accounting scandal has raised fresh questions about corporate governance, with some experts calling it the “Enron of Germany.” German financial regulator BaFin has come under fire for its handling of the situation, with the government now calling for regulatory reform. There are also questions about why EY, Wirecard’s auditor, didn’t pick…
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